Thursday, October 18, 2012

Good Intentions

“All hard work brings a profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty.” Proverbs 14:23


Earlier in my marriage, I lived in a world of good intentions. I thought and talked often about the things that I wanted to do for my wife and family. Unfortunately, I showed very little follow through on my good intentions. In Sunday School Done Right, Allan Taylor says, “Good intentions are as good as no intentions unless you are intentional about your good intentions.” The Lord is not pleased with good intentions resulting in only mere talk. The Lord wants us to follow through in obedience to His Word for His Glory.

What are the things that you have been merely “talking” about? Where have you stopped short of following through? What areas are you struggling with delayed obedience? Where do you need to be intentional with your good intentions?

It is easy to talk about how you are going to grow in the Lord. It is easy to talk about how you are going to be more active in serving the church. It is easy to talk about how you are going to be more consistent in your church attendance. It is easy to talk about how you are going to reach out to your neighbor or co-worker.

Beloved, we are not called to mere talk, but to walk with Christ. It is hard work to follow through in obedience, but all hard work brings a profit. Join me in fighting to fulfill our good intentions for God’s Glory. “Fight the good fight of the faith.” Draw a line in the sand and fight to be intentional about your good intentions.

In Christ,

Pastor Dave

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