Tuesday, January 28, 2014

The Very Good Beginning

And God saw everything that he had made, and behold, it was very good. And there was evening and there was morning, the sixth day. Genesis 1:31


The other day my son went out to get the paper. Before he made it down the driveway, he came running back in the house. “Hey, you have to come see this. The sun is rising and the sky is beautiful. Come on outside.” He was mesmerized by the beauty of God’s
creation. He saw what God had made and exclaimed, “It was very good.” Beholding God’s creation and recognizing its beauty rightly acknowledges God’s power and divine nature. God has created a world that was very good and that flourished under his loving rule.

God’s very good creation has now been corrupted by sin and is in bondage to corruption. Although our world is decaying, we know that creation itself waits with eager longing to be set free from this bondage to obtain the freedom of the glory of the children of God. As Jesus Christ has freed us from the fear of death through his death and resurrection, creation also will one day experience the rebirth into its former “very good” glory. What a day that will be for the children of God!!!

As we wait for that day, we must live under God’s loving rule. God created a universe in such a way to cause humanity to flourish. Every time we reject the order of God’s creation, we lose our ability to flourish. God is smarter than us. He created a world that would maximize human flourishing. Although it has been corrupted now, the children of God still choose to live under the loving rule of our Creator King. For Jesus Christ all things were created. He is before all things and in him all things hold together (Col 1:16-17). When we hold fast to Jesus and His Word, we see a world that is held together in peace and order. When our world rejects Jesus and His Word, we see the unraveling of peace and order. We are not smarter than God. His Word will always prove itself true so that he will be justified in his words and prevail when he is judged (Psalm 51:4).

Let us trust the order and beauty of God’s very good creation, for God saw everything that he had made and behold, it was very good. God knew what he was doing in the creation. Let us not look for new ways to live, but rather let us trust the old way that God gave us in the very good beginning.

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