Friday, July 4, 2014

Why I Love America

I will never forget the moment when I fell in love with America.  I was in 4th grade and we were practicing for a school musical.  We were going to sing, “God Bless the USA,” by Lee Greenwood for the school assembly. I can still remember that proud feeling that day singing,

And I will gladly stand up next to you and defend her still today- cuz there ain’t no doubt I love this land, God Bless the USA.

I know some of my friends think that patriotic songs are cheesy, but I love them.  I love America and I love being an American.  America is a great nation.  Here are two of the reasons why I love America:

  Our Liberty – Our country was built on religious and political freedom.  We were built on one of greatest political sentences of all time,

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. (US Constitution)

 Although our liberty is always under threat both from outside and from within our country, the 4th of July should be a time when we celebrate the freedom we have.  Today is a day we should not complain and grumble of the threats to our freedom, but to celebrate the reality of our current freedoms.  We are free to worship without threat of punishment.  We are free to choose where we live and where we work. We are free to choose who we vote for and to fight for causes that we hold dear.  We have the freedom to affect our nation’s laws and government. So this 4th of July, let us not complain, but celebrate our freedom.  We live in a nation built on liberty.

Our Land – America is a beautiful country. It is filled with beauty “from sea to shining sea.” I have marveled at the beauty of the America landscape from “Old Rocky Top”, the shores of the Pacific and Atlantic Ocean, the Great Lakes and the planes of the Midwest. I have stood at the top of the Grand Canyon and under the giant rock arches of Utah.  I love the beauty of our land.  We truly have been blessed abundantly by our Creator with our land that displays His glory.

There are others reasons that I could give of why I love America, but it is the 4th of July and I have the day off. Therefore, I get to celebrate my liberty in this great land with my family and friends.  I can’t wait for fireworks!!

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